Best Available Control Technology
Power generation capacity used to serve an essentially constant level of customer demand. Baseload generating units typically operate whenever they are available, and they generally have a capacity factor that is above 60%. Base Load Capacity is often served by nuclear, coal or efficient combined cycle power plants. [Source: The Potential Benefits of Distributed Generation and
Base Load Capacity (Electric) Read More »
A case-by-case decision that considers energy, environmental and economic impacts in establishing an emissions limitation based on the maximum degree of control that can be achieved. BACT can be add-on control equipment, or modification of production processes or methods. BACT may be a design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard if imposition of an emissions
Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Read More »
The California Global Warming Soluti ons Act of 2006 that prescribed a portfolio of actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020.
AB32 (Assembly Bill 32) Read More »